Godly Goodies
Fiery Truths
The Whippoorwill's Call

The Whippoorwill's Call

GRACE is Yours

As I begin to write my post, I am flooded with a palpable feeling of infinite limitlessness. My heart expands and joy fills me with its wonderous buoyancy.

Then I feel drawn to a prayer book I wrote some years back. So, I pick it up and the first page I open is this poem - The Whippoorwill’s Call.

Next, I feel drawn to look at the back of my book.

So, Darling, staying in alignment with the flow of my energy, I’ve decided to share them both with you this week.

As you listen and read, may you too feel that God is never off limits and that you can ALWAYS turn to God, and know with God’s Grace - Infinite Possibilities are yours.

To Turn to Our Creator is to Change Our Lives

There is no time like the present to bare our hearts, to lay down our troubles, sorrows, and doubts, and to overcome all sense of separation.

The gift of holy prayer is a tender blessing that enfolds our lives in the Throne of Grace - God’s Favor.

In God’s Favor, we feel our hope become faith and our faith becomes our reality.

We then have the full strength to change our lives.


Inner Joy Compass Prompt:

Where in your life would you like to experience more Grace/possibilities?

What will having more possibilities in those areas of your life give you?

Okay, now let’s dig a little deeper.

Really think about why you want those possibilities to open up.

Now take a moment and really feel the joy you’ll experience having those possibilities.

Go ahead and ham it up - envision you have what you want NOW!

All right, dearie, give this all you got - Thank GOD for the Divine Grace that you know is being bestowed on you at this moment.

“Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off.” – Max Lucado

May you move forward with the insight that Grace is yours for the asking.

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With all my love and appreciation, I thank ya for being here with me,


Godly Goodies
Fiery Truths
Ancient wisdom that gets to the heart of it