Heighten Your Joy Or Heightened Joy
How to - with Curiosity, Compassion, and Connection - discover the delight of following your Inner Joy Compass.
Hey, guess what, I’m writing a book. and I could use your feedback - please.
To begin, you’ll notice that I have two titles for this post. One of those will be the title of my book. I’d love to know which you prefer.
Below, I’ve written an introduction. If you wouldn’t mind, will you take a few moments and read it and answer the following questions?
I very much want to meet the needs of my readers, which is why your feedback is important to me and will be used.
As a thank you I will be offering a FREE Joy call. I will intuitively assist each participant on the call with their Heightened Joy.
Thank you so much for your time.
Please feel free to share, the more feedback the better.
Book Introduction:
Does living a joyous life sounds like a fairytale to you? If so, I get it. I’ve been there. There was a time in my life when the idea of living a joyous life was as farfetched a notion as it could be.
But not anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because I’ve lived on easy street. Nope, far from it.
Like you, I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs. To name a few - my first husband died at a young age, my grandmother died just a few months before my husband, and within the same year of my husband’s death my house was broken into, my dog was stolen, and I was broke. And all that happened in my twenties! I won’t even get into my thirties or beyond.
My point, we all have reasons to NOT be joyous!
But what if being joyous is a matter of letting your curiosity out of the bag?
What if once your curiosity is out of the bag, your compassion comes out?
And what if once your compassion comes out - your connection to yourself, others, the world, and the God within comes out?
What if I told you that from my experience and that of my clients that curiosity, compassion, and connection, (which I call the 3 C’s) are surefire ways to Heighten Your Joy? Right in the here and now, regardless of what you’re going through.
I know this sounds rather simplistic, yet, what if it’s true?
In an interview, I was asked, “What is the number 1 issue your clients have?”
Without hesitation, I respond, “Judgements.”
From my hundreds of mentoring sessions, I’ve come to the understanding that it’s our judgments of ourselves that hurt us more than whatever we’re experiencing. How we think about what we’re going through - gets in our way more than whatever we’re going through.
That’s why I felt I had to write this book. After going through my judgements, and witnessing so many people caught in self-deprecating judgements - I had to reach out. Because I know from my own experience and that of my clients that you can with curiosity, compassion and connection (the 3 C’s) let go of your judgements and live in joy!
With personal stories, client stories, easy-to-follow prompts, and the basic 3 C’s, I will show you how to…
Let go of your self-judgements and judgements of others
Bring ease into your heart and life
Experience deep compassion for yourself and others
Delight in following your Inner Joy Compass
Connect with and have an intimate relationship with the God within.
I will share with you how to Heighten YOUR Joy!
Does the idea of living a joyous life sound like a fairytale? Or are you already on the path of joy and want to expand your joy?
Either way, Heightened Joy in its conversational manner, highlighted with personal stories and practical how-tos will meet you where you’re at - so if you’re already on the joy path or skeptical about the joy path - you’re sure to discover more joy.
As an intuitive mentor, I assist hundreds of folks in their life journeys. With my joyful compassion - they delight in their curiosity, embrace their truth with compassion, lift their fears and doubts with the upliftment of their connection, and Heighten their Joy.
What do you say, up for more joy?
How did this land with you?
Does this feel like a book you might read? If so, what else would you want to be included?
What would you like to hear about next?
Which title do you like better - Heightened Joy or Heighten Your Joy?
Now, I want to hear from you. What's your #1 question about this joy book?
Please leave a comment here or email me at gloriaboysal@gmail.com. If you like you can write Joy in the subject line.
Thank you. I appreciate you so very much.
With a joyful heart, I send blessings,
P.S. The date for the upcoming FREE call will be announced soon.
Gloria, I'm so excited to ready that you're writing a book! You have so much to share.
I like this:
"My point, we all have reasons to NOT be joyous.
But what if being joyous is a matter of letting your curiosity out of the bag?
What if once your curiosity is out of the bag, your compassion comes out?
And what if once your compassion comes out - your connection to yourself, others, the world, and the God within comes out?"
I think that intro is great. But you know me and my marketing self, I'm not sure the title is there yet. Neither one grabs me.
I recently had someone share with me that asking someone to reach for joy with they are really far away from it seems impossible and so they shut down. I don't think that would be the case with your book because if they are reaching for a book about joy then they must be ready to that in their lives. But that feedback really struck me. So I offer it here.
Yes Gloria, we could all use some more joy. I prefer the title, Heightened Joy, for me because it sounds like you already have it.
I am so happy (Joyous) for you for writing this book, as I believe it will be a great service to many. You have touched so many lives, Gloria and continue to do so. I know you have touched my life more than you could ever know AND..... I Thank you!!
~Much Love~